Integrated Flight Test Software Suite



Prism Defence’s Ship–Helicopter Operating Limits Development System (SHOLDS) is a purpose designed software suite that enables the efficient, accurate and safe conduct of embarked flight trials.

Primary components include:

  • HeliSHOLDS software for managing the acquisition of aircraft data from either the aircraft or from a ground control station.
  • ShipSHOLDS software for managing the acquisition of ship data and providing situational awareness of test requirements and limitations to key aviation positions on the ship.

SHOLDS enables the seamless management and delivery of the SHOL trial and ensures that the ship’s command team and the flight test team are working to a common set of goals and test limits.


  • provides telemetry-based communication and control
  • displays common plans, limits and test conditions to aircraft, ship command, bridge and flight deck officer
  • maximises the effectiveness of each trial evolution
  • enables the in‑flight reconfiguration of target test points to cater for changing sea and wind conditions

SHOLDS has been developed and proven on multiple trials and aircraft types around the world. The continually evolving sophistication of SHOLDS has supported the progressive reduction in total trial time and significantly improved test safety and efficiency.

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